Divine healing works.Our emphasis here is on divine healing through music.David would play a harp for Saul and then Saul would get healed.In divine healing you need a place of contact,in this case the music that you listen to. Divine healing will then be instant or within a few days,weeks or in rare times months.In divine healing there is nothing easier than healing cancer or harder than healing AIDS.Divine healing is divine healing,it cannot be measured or limited.You faith is your key to your healing of anything at all that you are suffering from.It would help us a lot if you buy the songs that you find helpful or better still,make a donation towards them here http://tinyur.com/w5wds2u
The first song Divine Heals It Works is a narrated track that teaches us about the divine healing process.That song will build your faith and can even get you healed.You should listen without your doubts already in place.
1) DIVINE HEALING IT WORKS https://youtu.be/_gWyKY79ZdM
2) THE HEALING SOUND ( a piano instrumental) https://tinyurl.com/y3e9ohdy
3) SICKNESS DISAPPEAR FROM ME (the highly recommended faith song) https://youtu.be/0_dtLr4ezQo
4) THE HEALING STREAM https://youtu.be/2Tn0siBBtTE
Founder:Raymond Mafukdze
DONATE to my work http://tinyurl.com/w5wds2u